My Four Sides

Very few things in life are absolute. There are complexities to everything; especially when entering the political spectrum. The same goes for me. My views have complexities and I’d like to take this opportunity to explain the general approach to my philosophy. I have four perspectives from which I formulate my ideas. A personal, a philosophical, a political, and a spiritual perspective are incorporated into my decision-making process.

Personal - This perspective is how I choose to live my life. What I believe is best for myself and my family. These decisions have real implications for my life and I take them very seriously. Sometimes they are right. Other times they are wrong. In both cases, I have to live with the results of my choices. My successes and my failures belong to me and me alone and I must reap the benefits, or bear the consequence, of my choices.

Philosophical - This perspective allows me to consider all types of viewpoints without actually subscribing to them. The exercise of perspective is important to be able to try and understand opposing views. I do my best to academically approach and consider various influencing factors, available options, and possible outcomes. Doing so helps me to keep an open mind, engage in healthy debate, and to weigh the alternatives.

Political - This perspective is rooted in my belief in the rights of man and the idea that an individual’s liberty is boundless until it begins to encroach upon the liberties of another. It influences my approach to policy in which government has no authority beyond its obligation to ensure that the rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness are ensured for all. It is sometimes challenging to reconcile my personal beliefs with my political approach because it very often results in my support of another’s right to certain conduct that I may not personally subscribe to. I do however receive comfort in the fact that my right of choice is no more superior than another’s and by protecting their liberties I also protect my own.

Spiritual - This perspective is one of the most complex and is based on both the physical and the metaphysical worlds. It affords me a barometer with which I guide my personal choices. It is a moral compass with which I can navigate a spirited debate of ideas. It is the foundation of truth upon which our social contracts are based and the foundation of justice on which our legal principles are built. Not all people have the same beliefs in this space. We all have our relationship with The Creator. This relationship is private, sacred, and always evolving.


My Values


The Charters of Freedom