We need leaders, not in love with publicity, but in love with humanity.

- Martin Luther King Jr.

I am not one of Them. I am one of Us.



I am you. A son of an immigrant father, the posterity of an immigrant family, the fruit of the American dream. An accountant by trade and philosopher by hobby. A seeker of Truth, a member of The Militia, and a beneficiary of the sacrifices of The Sons of Liberty.


I’m an Originalist, someone who values our nation’s Charters of Freedom and still believes in the American Experiment. Together we can preserve the vision, the struggle, and the triumph of pioneers who believed We deserve better than subservience to government.


We’re all given the unconditional gift of Life by our Nature’s God. This gift is evidence of our right to live free, to pursue our desire, to suffer our failures, and to learn from our mistakes. It’s our responsibility to defend our Life from all those who seek to do us harm.



I envision an America whose citizens, of all heritage, live united in her spirit as one people, superior to their governors, standing with their communities to protect their lives and liberties from usurpation and theft by electors using the vail of false promise and protection.


I can no longer watch “The Leaders of the Free World” proclaim to be defenders of truth and justice while they bureaucratically dismantle our Bill of Rights, undermine Our Constitution, and convince us that opportunity is obtained by custody.

Why Now?

We must stand now because We can no longer sit by as our representatives engulf us in their debts and engineer scarcity to sell us false solutions to the problems they created. We must revive the Pride of Patriots and extinguish the flames of hatred they ignite among us.