Parental Choice

There used to be a time when parents and teachers worked together to educate the children of their communities. In today’s society it seems this relationship has become an adversarial one; even though we just want what is best for our children. Economic demands put on working-class families require, most homes to have dual incomes or single parents to work multiple jobs. Political bias and government underfunding require many teachers to implement coursework they don’t agree with and often reach into their own pockets to get their students the supplies they need. Each day becomes more emotionally and economically challenging for parents and teachers. Boards of Ed should not compound these challenges by making parents and teachers feel they cannot honestly participate in curriculum planning out of fear of persecution or termination.

Over the last two years, our Governor side stepped the legislative process with overreaching executive orders and our current congressional representative did little to fight for District 5’s share of Federal Pandemic funding. This increased pressure on parents and teachers by closing our schools and shutting down our places of employment. Controversial changes to our children’s curriculum, covertly passed during the pandemic, were unveiled when our kids finally got back into the classroom. In response, making their dissatisfaction known at the polls, parents and teachers ushered in sweeping changes to their local school boards.

Washington and Trenton are pitting parents against teachers to implement their controversial educational policy. Parents and teachers need to stand together against the true culprits; The Director-General and Division of Education. Congress and the Board of Education are accountable to us. Let’s continue to make our voices heard to ensure our children are being educated the way we want and not indoctrinated the way they want. Stand with Me to tell Washington and Trenton that New Jersey’s children are not their bargaining chips. Together We can send the clear message that New Jersey parents and teachers will protect their children at all costs; even if that cost is the career of the shoo-in incumbent.


Fighting For New Jersey’s Economy


Medical Independence