Fighting For New Jersey’s Economy

In a time when the clear objective of the central state is to make itself financially insolvent, and economically uncompetitive, it becomes the responsibility of a sovereign state’s Electors to reclaim the obligation of ensuring the future prosperity of its own People. As an accountant, I know how to read the story told by the numbers but I won’t claim to be an expert in all industries. The most important thing someone can know is what they don’t know. I am just a regular guy with honor who will seek the right people to suggest the right ideas to do the right thing for New Jersey.

New Jersey is one of our nation’s most diverse and capable States. We have some of the greatest human resources and some of the best educators in the country. Pound for pound, we have some of the most resourceful and industrious citizens. If we want to continue to be a beacon of excellence then we cannot weaken ourselves economically and politically. We must strengthen our resolve if we desire to continue to help all those we need to; that applies domestically and internationally.

For the first time in our nation’s history, the national debt has exceeded our GDP. To put that into perspective, our “credit card bill” has exceeded our annual income. It’s time we removed the electors that have spent us into insolvency and hold them accountable. It is our responsibility to elect new guards that don’t owe any favors to anyone. We must elect representatives that will expose corrupt deals and rescind our obligation to honor them.

If Congress continues down this path, we will become bankrupt beyond repair. They will never satisfy their current obligations to The People and we will surely be left impoverished and beholden to them. The People must exercise their authority over government through the right of election. We can remove the electors who have broken our banks and appoint new ones to evaluate our spending, strategically cut back on waste, and reinvest in our country. If those new leaders fail then you must replace them too.


Environment and Human Health


Parental Choice