Thank you for reaching out! You have taken the first step in starting to hold Congress accountable to The People.
As Washington gets more divisive We The People need to stand up for each other. If We are untied together as one community we can work vigilantly to protect the same Liberties our Founders fought to achieve. Our strength grows with each supporter like you and you should know I can’t do this without you. Please spread the word to others so we can show Congress what “Government for The People, by The People” really means.
I will do my best to respond to your message as soon as I can. In the mean time, don’t forget to read up on The Charters of Freedom. Knowledge is power and these documents are very important. They will empower you with the confidence of knowing the rules in which Congress must abide by and will provide you with blue prints on how to defend our Liberties. If you like my message check out my Twitter and Facebook pages to help make other aware.
Your Friend,
Trevor Ferrigno