Back The Same Parties, Elect The Same People, Get The Same Results.
Our Electors in Washington have only been representing themselves and their party leaders. Let’s stand together and send the message we’re not going to play their game anymore.
Our Biggest Problem is Bad Representation.
We must hold Congress accountable to The People just as Article I intended. Only then can we walk the path of Liberty together.
Why I’m Standing
Together, we stand for ourselves. I have chosen to stand for District 5 because our representatives in Washington sell us plans that fall lightly on our ears but heavily on our wrists. We must not remain silent while they manipulate narratives to stoke flames of hatred in our hearts and deceive us into trading our freedoms for false security. Career politicians in Washington claim to represent our interests but only exploit our trust to boost profits and make back-door deals to grow their wealth. Our electors are not representing us to the federal government. They are representing the federal government to us.
Together, we stand for our common defense. Together, we exercise all the power and authority retained by The People in The Constitution to push back against the deliberate attempts to segregate our communities with hate and hardship. Together, we stand to remind our representatives of something they must have forgotten. All legitimate power of government begins and ends with the governed; The Constitution is an instrument of The People to restrain their government, not the other way around. Together, we will stand for New Jersey and send a representative to Washington who will prioritize our interests and defend our constitution from corrupt politicians.
Together, we stand for our future. I cannot promise solutions to all our problems. The only thing I can promise is to speak truthfully about the real issues of New Jersey and try to bring our community together. We will not reach meaningful solutions to our challenges if we are not honest with each other and if our representatives are not honest with us. We must be candid about our issues, care for each other, and be vigilant defenders of New Jersey.
Your Brother in Liberty,
Trevor Ferrigno
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